The world's tallest horse, "the Big Jack", has died

The Guinness Book of World Records named the Big Jack the world's tallest horse in 2010. Pointe - The world's tallest horse has died.  The Belgian horse, Big Jack, was 20 years old.

The horse was raised on a smoky hollow farm in Pointe, Wisconsin, USA.  Valicia Gilbert, the wife of Jerry Gilbert, the owner of the farm, said Big Jack died two weeks ago.  But he refused to reveal the date of his death.

 "We will not remember the Big Jack from any date," he said.  This is a great shock to our family.

The Big-Jack was six feet 10 inches tall and weighed 1136 kg. Guinness Book of World Records named him the world's tallest horse in 2010.

Speaking to local news channel WMTV, Jerry Gilbert said that his horse was a "superstar".

He said Big Jack was born in Nebraska and weighed 109kg at birth.  He weighed 45 kg more than the normal birth weight of a Belgian horse.

He said that in order to remember the Big Jack, his place in the stable would be left blank and the name and picture of the Big Jack would be inscribed on it.

Jerry Gilbert said there was silence on the farm.  "I think the other horses know and they mourn because Jack was the center of attention," he said.  His departure has created a huge gap.  It feels like he's here, but he's not.

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